February 2014

Philippians Pt. 3- Humble Unity

What is one of the most essential ingredients for there to be unity in a church? It is Christ-like humility. In this sermon, Jordan preaches about the Apostle Paul’s plea to the Philippian church to have the humble mindset of Jesus.

Philippians Pt. 2- When Christ Is Your Life

If other people were only given one word to describe you what would it be? In his letter to the Philippian church, the Apostle Paul wrote about how his life was defined by the person and mission of Jesus. In this sermon, Jordan preaches about what can happen when Jesus means everything to you.

January 2014

Philippians Pt. 1- God Works In Your Suffering

While in jail for preaching about Jesus, the Apostle Paul wrote an encouraging letter to a church he began in a Roman colony named Philippi. Although Paul’s circumstances we dark, his letter to the Philippians contains remarkable joy and rejoicing. In this message, Jordan preaches about what Paul’s letter of encouragement means for us today.