December 2013

Glorious Pt. 9- Inappropriate Judging

Judging is a messy thing. No one likes to be judged negatively by someone else but sometimes we even catch ourselves with a judgmental attitude. What are we to make of Jesus’ famous words, “Do not judge”? In this message, Jordan tries to unpack what Jesus meant in the context of His teaching on judgment.

Glorious Pt. 8- Glorifying God With Money

Money is an issue that effects everyone especially in this busy Christmas season. In this sermon, Jordan preaches about some important things Jesus said about money and how we can give glory to God by having our treasure and priorities in the right place.

November 2013

Glorious Pt. 7- Glorious Prayer

Praying to God comes naturally for so many of us. However, do we pray the right kind of prayers? In this message, Jordan preaches about the importance of the purpose and values behind our prayers.

Glorious Pt. 6- Loving Enemies For The Glory Of God

Jesus was crucified by the same people He came to save. However, instead of having hate for His enemies, Jesus modeled for us and taught us to love our enemies and to display the love of God. In this message, Jordan explores Jesus’ teaching about revenge and enemies in Matthew 5.

Glorious Pt. 5- Adultery, Divorce, and The Glory of God

How do we glorify God with our most intimate relationships? In this message, Jordan continues preaching through Jesus’ “Sermon On The Mount” as Jesus teaches about adultery and divorce.

October 2013

Glorious Pt. 4- Murder and Reconciliation

What does it look like to live a life that gives glory to God? In this sermon, Jordan looks at the words of Jesus and how we can glorify God in the way we handle our anger and reconciliation with others.

Glorious Pt. 3- A Heart That Brings God Glory

Life’s ultimate purpose is the bring glory to God, but what does that look like? Jesus shows us exactly. In this message, Jordan looks at Jesus’ famous “Sermon On The Mount” to explain what kind of character brings glory to God.

September 2013

Glorious Pt. 2- Life’s Glorious Purpose

Have you ever wondered about the meaning or purpose of your life? In this message, Jordan preaches from the book of Genesis and tries to explain the ultimate purpose of every human being.

Glorious Pt. 1- The Glorious One

Why do we long to experience wonder, beauty, power, and awe? It is because we created to experience and enjoy glory. In this message Jordan preaches about where our desire for glory comes from.