March 2015

The Choice

Ready To Be Forgiven

Exercising Spiritual Senses

Much like the human body has physical senses such as sight and hearing that help us experience the world around us, we have certain spiritual senses that help us perceive God and truth. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about exercising spiritual senses.

Global Prayers

The events of terror and persecution around our world today are very alarming. During such dark times for fellow Christians and others in the international community, we must be involved in prayer. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver purposes some specific issues we can pray about to help our world in need.

God Is Ready To Forgive

The Bible teaches us that our sin separates us from God and causes a rift in our relationship with Him. However, what will God be like when we come to Him in honest repentance? In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about God’s heart towards those who are separated from Him.

February 2015

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

There’s an old phrase that says, “Ignorance is bliss”. However, certain things we don’t know can hurt us and hinder us from experiencing God’s presence. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about some of the dangers of ignorance and the person we must follow to avoid them.

Drawing Near To God With Boldness

Although we may desire to connect with God, approaching His holiness and power can be very intimidating. Is there any way to move past our reluctancy to experience God’s presence? In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about where the boldness to enter into God’s presence comes from.

Are You Ready To Be Forgiven?

Although God wants us to have His presence in our lives, there is something that can hinder us from having a relationship with Him. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about the common cause of our separation and asks us if we are ready to pursue God’s solution.

Driven Like David

Throughout the entire Bible, King David was one of the best examples of someone who loved and pursued God. The book of Psalms reveal David’s desire to experience God’s presence. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about what it looks like to be driven like David.

January 2015

The Rest Of God

In our busy world, it can be difficult to truly rest. More than just a natural need for rest, our hearts want a rest and peace that is only found in God’s presence. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about the rest of God and the danger that can keep us from having it.