November 2014

Living By Faith

Are we as Christians really living according to our faith in God or are we subtly putting our trust in the physical world around us? In this message, Evangelist Davie Whitlock preaches on the importance of faith and that God wants us put our trust in Him.

August 2014

Victory In Jesus

Does following Jesus mean forfeiting success in life and only embracing sacrifice? Interestingly, the Bible teaches that sacrifice actually paves the way for true success. In this message, Evangelist Davie Whitlock preaches about God’s desire for us to experience real success and victory in our lives.

June 2014

The New Covenant

A covenant can be defined as a formal serious agreement or promise between two parties. In the New Testament, Jesus ushered in a new covenant between God and every person who puts their trust in Christ. In this message, Evangelist Davie Whitlock preaches about that covenant and its implications for us today.

It Makes A Difference How We Live

Salvation comes as a free gift of God’s grace and not as a reward for our personal behavior. However, since we are saved by grace, does that mean our behavior doesn’t matter at all? In this message, Evangelist Davie Whitlock preaches about the importance of right living and behavior.

April 2014

Not Just Surviving But Thriving

The salvation that comes through Jesus Christ changes our lives forever. Going back to ordinary is not an option. In the message, Evangelist Davie Whitlock preaches about the Holy Spirit who enables to us to thrive as Christians.

December 2013

Moving Past Roadblocks Along Our Christian Journey

Every Christian experiences roadblocks along their journey of following Jesus. Satan, our enemy, and our own selfish desires impede our progress of becoming more like Christ. In this message, Evangelist Davie Whitlock preaches about what it takes to move past those hindrances and keep following Jesus.