October 2014

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 9- Hope For The Future

With all the trouble that’s going on in the world today, we could all use some hope. When we give our lives to Jesus Christ, we receive a true hope that can never fade away. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about the Christian’s hope for the future.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 8- The Battle Of Good And Evil

Hundreds of Hollywood movies portray the age old struggle between Good and Evil. The Bible records for mankind the true nature and source of the conflict. In this message, Pastor Lee preaches about God’s pursuit to rid the perfect world He created of its destructive evil.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 7- Justice Ended

In Chapter 18 of The Book Of Revelation, we begin to see the end of God’s judgment on the Earth. God’s justice finally comes upon the evil world’s systems of greed, materialism, and immorality. In this sermon, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about having our faith in God and staying away from joining the world’s future financial and material collapse.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 6- Judicial Blindness

Why would a person still reject repentance during God’s great judgment of Earth? In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about the deep blindness that causes men and women to turn their back on God even when faced with the reality of His righteous power.

September 2014

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 5- Justice Revealed

The book of Revelation’s foretelling of God’s punishment of wickedness can seem massive and even harsh. However, is it possible that we don’t fully understand the importance of God’s judgment? In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about how the book of Revelation reveals God’s necessary justice.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 4- Overcoming Personal Struggles

There are many bad habits and sins we try to get rid of as Christians. Although we may lose many battles with sin, we still must be able through Jesus to overcome it. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about areas of our life where we must experience some level of victory.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 3- Overcoming The Accuser

In the Bible, Satan is depicted in many different ways. He is described as a liar, a thief, and as a tempter. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches from the book of Revelation about another attribute of the Devil that we can overcome through Jesus.

August 2014

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 2- Overcoming Survival Mode

In a world becoming more difficult for Christianity, we can want to hide out and survive until Christ’s return. However, the book of Revelation teaches us that no matter what, Christians must overcome and advance God’s work on the Earth. In this message, Pastor Lee preaches about we must overcome hardships and move forward for Christ.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 1- An Introduction

The book of Revelation is one the most fascinating parts of the Bible. However, in our attempt to understand its vivid imagery and futuristic details do we clearly see its main themes? In this message, Pastor Lee preaches about the book of Revelation’s biggest messages.

The Book Of Revelation Unveils The Heart

The last book of the Bible is entitled “Revelation” which means “unveiling”. The book unveils the glory of Jesus Christ and reveals God’s final plans for the world. However, the book can also teach us about ourselves. In this message, Pastor Lee preaches that the book of Revelation unveils truths about the human heart.