October 2014

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 6- Judicial Blindness

Why would a person still reject repentance during God’s great judgment of Earth? In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about the deep blindness that causes men and women to turn their back on God even when faced with the reality of His righteous power.

September 2014

Fixing Stupid Pt. 4- Life-Giving Virtues

True wisdom comes through having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about three virtues that we need to maintain in order to have true wisdom and a healthy relationship with Jesus.

Fixing Stupid Pt. 3- Pursuing Wisdom In Temptation

Many of our worst decisions were made while we were being tempted. The powerful influence of temptation can make it extremely difficult to focus on the right choices. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about wisely seeing beyond the smoke and mirrors of temptation.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 5- Justice Revealed

The book of Revelation’s foretelling of God’s punishment of wickedness can seem massive and even harsh. However, is it possible that we don’t fully understand the importance of God’s judgment? In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about how the book of Revelation reveals God’s necessary justice.

Fixing Stupid Pt. 2- Jesus And My Decisions

The path of regret is paved by unwise decisions. Yet how are we supposed to make the right choices when we are constantly being pulled in different directions? In this sermon, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about how we can make wise decisions and avoid life’s pitfalls.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 4- Overcoming Personal Struggles

There are many bad habits and sins we try to get rid of as Christians. Although we may lose many battles with sin, we still must be able through Jesus to overcome it. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches about areas of our life where we must experience some level of victory.

Sunday Night Devotional: True Friendship

The technology of social media allows us to have tons of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, but do we really know what it means to experience true friendship? In this short devotional, Pastor Lee Sarver talks about what it means to have a true friend.

Fixing Stupid Pt. 1- The Wisdom We All Need

Many of us have heard the expression, “You can’t fix stupid”. However, no matter how smart you are, we all have moments in life that make us look silly. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver uses the expression and preaches about the truth that there is a way for all of us to have wisdom.

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 3- Overcoming The Accuser

In the Bible, Satan is depicted in many different ways. He is described as a liar, a thief, and as a tempter. In this message, Pastor Lee Sarver preaches from the book of Revelation about another attribute of the Devil that we can overcome through Jesus.

August 2014

The Book Of Revelation Pt. 2- Overcoming Survival Mode

In a world becoming more difficult for Christianity, we can want to hide out and survive until Christ’s return. However, the book of Revelation teaches us that no matter what, Christians must overcome and advance God’s work on the Earth. In this message, Pastor Lee preaches about we must overcome hardships and move forward for Christ.